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In this blog post we would like to present the tool , which offers both a graphical overview of your own assets and support for tax purposes.

With, Martin Schmeisser has developed a website that DeFiChain users can use to clearly analyze their rewards from liquidity mining and staking, for example for tax returns. The rewards received can be filtered by periods, pools or tokens. Furthermore, a graphic and analogue overview of all existing assets and rewards is given. In the latest function , which is currently still in beta, users can also track individual transactions including their value. This includes sending, receiving, adding and removing liquidity, swaps and many more.

To start, one or more wallet addresses must first be inserted using the gear wheel in the top right corner. It is possible to analyze these at the same time and show or hide them at will. At this point it is also possible to switch between German and English and change the currency display.

After successfully entering wallet addresses, an overview of the current assets and the rewards received so far can be called up via the ” Rewards ” menu item. Numerous setting options for the display are possible. Liquidity tokens can be removed from the display via LPs & UTXOs. “Show Value” is used to set whether the actual number of tokens or the monetary value should be displayed. The graphically displayed blocks can be removed or displayed via “Show Debit” and “Show Credit”.

Rewards and commissions received so far can be seen in the lower area. These can be filtered and aggregated according to different time periods (daily to annually). Furthermore, the rewards can also be displayed depending on the pool or token. A particularly important function is exporting: the rewards displayed can be exported as a CSV file and can therefore be used to support tax returns.

In the next menu item “ Diagram ”, the rewards shown here can also be displayed graphically as a bar chart. Here, too, adjustments can be made according to time periods, pools or tokens.

The next menu item ” History ” is currently still in beta, but can already be used. All transactions made by the wallet addresses can be displayed here. This includes, for example, sending, receiving, adding or removing liquidity, swaps and many more. The display of transaction types can be (de)activated as you wish. The respective transaction value is displayed in the cryptocurrency used, as well as the monetary equivalent and the transaction fees paid. The data is taken directly from the blockchain and each transaction is also linked to DeFiScan. Here, too, the data can be exported as a CSV file and processed further. is therefore a helpful tool to get a graphic and analogue overview of your own assets and income. It also offers the important feature of sorting rewards and transactions into different time periods, which can then be exported as a CSV file and used to support tax purposes.

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